Dear Boat-Enthusiast, did you know it is a legal requirement that operators of VHF marine radios need to be qualified? In order to use your AIS installed system you are required to have a VHF licence.
Therefore, we are putting on a VHF Marine Radio Licence Certificate Course on for you.

The New AWQ VHF Marine Radio Licence Certificate Course is a streamlined hands on course designed for recreational boaters in Australian Territorial Waters and will be run by Peninsula Boat Training.

Why do I need a qualification at all?
A marine radio can save lives, so it’s important that:

  • you know the correct channels to use, and how and when to use them
  • you know distress and safety procedures, including how to access search and rescue facilities
  • you know how to respond to an emergency call
  • your messages are understood and others know how to respond
  • you know what DSC is and the benefits of connecting a GPS to your radio
  • you know when and how to operate an EPIRB in a distress situation
  • In an emergency, knowledge of distress and safety procedures helps everyone involved in the rescue.
  • Your Licence will allow you to access DSC  – the red button –  and AIS by allowing you to apply for a MMSI number
  • Marine radio communications can also provide a variety of services to small vessels, including weather and navigational information.
  • So, the more you know about how to operate a marine radio, the more benefit you’ll get from yours.

About the course:
Saturday, 26th October 2019
9am till 12noon
at Sandringham Yacht Club, Olympic Room
$199 per person* 

Approximately 3 hours with 2 hours presentation followed by a 25 question multiple choice THEORY test and a “HANDS ON”  practical test using an actual VHF Radios

*(including morning tea and coffee and your certificate)

What to bring :
Drivers licence and Medicare care
Your USI Unique Student Identity (www.usi.gov.au)